Privacy policy customer support


This Policy applies to you if you visit a third-party’s website which has the DEALIST SOLUTIONS customer support solution services (live chat/voice support/email support) implemented. The organization or individual whom have responsibility of the website are considered to be business customers of DEALIST SOLUTIONS. Please note, DEALIST SOLUTIONS customers may also implement the DEALIST SOLUTIONS customer support service(s) (or links to them) on other 3rd party sites such as social media; or within electronic documents and emails. This policy applies whether you are using a computer, tablet or mobile device. To access the privacy policy for visitors using the DEALIST SOLUTIONS website, please click here.


“Visitor(s)” or “You” - The individual browsing a website which has the DEALIST SOLUTIONS customer support service(s) (live chat/voice support/email support) implemented upon. “DEALIST SOLUTIONS” – DEALIST SOLUTIONS LLP, the organization that provides the DEALIST SOLUTIONS customer support service(s) (live chat/voice support/email support). The company is considered to be the data processor under the General Data Protection Regulations (and/or other Data Protection Regulations). “DEALIST SOLUTIONS Customer(s)” or “Customer” – The organization or individual which are business customers of DEALIST SOLUTIONS. Their website would usually have implemented the DEALIST SOLUTIONS customer support service(s) and are using at-least 1 of the DEALIST SOLUTIONS customer support service(s). They are considered to be the data controller under the General Data Protection Regulations (and/or other Data Protection Regulations). “DEALIST SOLUTIONS service(s)” – The solution provided by DEALIST SOLUTIONS which includes a number of services, these services include but are not limited to, live Chat (support), voice support, email support. “Personal Information” - Is considered to include data that when used alone or in conjunction with other data may be used to identify or contact you. Types of personal information may include but is not limited to, name, date and/or place of birth, email address, phone number, postal address and IP.


We’re DEALIST SOLUTIONS, the UK based live provider of live customer support, translation and marketing services. DEALIST SOLUTIONS is a limited liability partnership (company number OC426782). The registered address is 120 BAKER STREET, 3RD FLOOR, LONDON, W1U 6TU, UK. DEALIST SOLUTIONS has affiliated company - PIVOT LTD (company number 36437404), KOSMYCHNA STREET, 21, KHARKIV, 61145, UKRAINE. Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and/or the General Data Protection Regulations, DEALIST SOLUTIONS is considered to be the data processor, the Customer is considered to be the data controller. As a data processor we might collect information from visitors that use our customers’ websites. DEALIST SOLUTIONS might also act as an Application Service Provider (ASP), offering various services as part of its solution all or part of which are delivered via software-as-a-service (Saas).

DEALIST SOLUTIONS’ Data Protection Officer:

name: Shmakova Nataliia


phone: +442038078369

Any questions regarding this Policy and our privacy practices should be sent by email and/or by phone to our Data Protection Officer.


The DEALIST SOLUTIONS services include(s) several services which enable our customers to engage with visitors on customers’ websites. Each of these services can be fully customized and configured based on the requirements of the customer using the DEALIST SOLUTIONS services; configuration allows each customer to collect certain type information from the visitor, which could be personally identifiable. In order to engage with visitors, the DEALIST SOLUTIONS solution might have the ability to track visitors while they browse the website.

What data is collected and how During Communication

When a visitor engages with a customer using one of the DEALIST SOLUTIONS services, the visitor might be asked to provide personal information. This information can be collected by various forms, or gather by the customer’s representative during a chat conversation. By providing information, you consent to DEALIST SOLUTIONS collecting and processing this information as outlined in this policy. Based on the contract agreements between DEALIST SOLUTIONS and its customers, transcripts of the chat, emails, voice recordings and other personal information between the visitor and the DEALIST SOLUTIONS customer might be stored, maintained and backed-up on the DEALIST SOLUTIONS systems. Based on the contract agreements between DEALIST SOLUTIONS and its customers, DEALIST SOLUTIONS, personal information of Visitors might be transferred to DEALIST SOLUTIONS by its customer for the purpose of providing DEALIST SOLUTIONS services. We always strive not to store and not to use personal information for longer than the duration of the live chat session. If other is not agreed prescribed by the contract agreements between DEALIST SOLUTIONS and its customers after live chat session termination we automatically delete personal information gained. But be aware that your personal information might be kept/stored etc. by a customer (data controller) according to its privacy policy and your consent to it. As an exception, based on the contract agreements between DEALIST SOLUTIONS and its customer (data controller), its privacy policy and your consent to it, we might store, maintain, back-up and process your personal information on the DEALIST SOLUTIONS systems. Besides, according to the contract agreements between DEALIST SOLUTIONS and its customer (data controller) we might transfer to customer, based on its privacy policy and you consent to its privacy policy, your personal information, collected while providing DEALIST SOLUTIONS services (for example we might transfer transcripts of the chat).

During a Browser Session

When a visitor hits a customer’s web-page, information regarding the visitor is collected. By default, the only personally identifiable information collected would be the IP address. There are optional services that can be used by the customer which have the potential to collect personal identifiable information. These services enable the customer to monitor and report on conversions that take place on the website, and automatically create a record using the visitors contact details.


Like many other services, the DEALIST SOLUTIONS services might use cookies (according to cookies policies of our customers). 'Cookies' are small pieces of information sent by an organization to your computer and stored on your hard drive to allow that website to recognize you when you visit. They collect statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns and do not identify you as an individual unless the prospect system is being used. This helps DEALIST SOLUTIONS to provide useful functionality to its customers and deliver a more personalized service.

How is the data used

Chat, Voice and Data collection forms

The DEALIST SOLUTIONS services may access and use personal information including the actual chat transcript, voice recording and all other data collected on its forms to deliver, maintain and support the service provided to the customer. DEALIST SOLUTIONS customers have access to the above data, which includes the ability to email, copy and download. DEALIST SOLUTIONS has no control over the privacy practices of their customers. Please read the Privacy policy of the appropriate entity/person.

Website browsing

Device and browser information including cookies are used to determine whether the DEALIST SOLUTIONS service is available during your browser session, allowing you to engage with the customer, or the customer to engage proactively with you either manually or automatically. Device, browser and cookie information can also be used to determine if a visitor has browsed the website before.

Summarized Information

Data is aggregated to provide customers useful metrics regarding each of the services DEALIST SOLUTIONS will also use this summarized information to provide quality of service, ensure server and bandwidth capacity is maintained and security measures are adhere too.

Third Parties

DEALIST SOLUTIONS does not sell, trade or rent any personal information, including the contents of any transcript for direct marketing or any other purposes.

Legal Disclosure

Additionally to disclosure based on your consent, DEALIST SOLUTIONS may disclose personal information if it reasonably believes that:

  • • It’s necessary to comply with a legal process or legal requirements by a government body;
  • • Is necessary to enforce this Privacy Policy, our Terms of Use or our agreement with a customer.

How the data is protected

When you provide personal information, we take steps to ensure that it’s treated securely. During transit, all data is encrypted using 256bit SSL, this is the same level of encryption used by pages that collect credit card details. All personal information including the actual transcript which takes place during the chat conversation is stored within the DEALIST SOLUTIONS databases using AES encryption. Access to this data can only be gained by individuals nominated by the customer with the relevant user access and permissions, together with key staff at DEALIST SOLUTIONS for support, maintenance and security purposes. To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into by DEALIST SOLUTIONS and their customers, DEALIST SOLUTIONS review retention periods for personal information on a regular basis. DEALIST SOLUTIONS will hold your personal information on their systems based on their contractual agreement and obligations. If and when we keep your personal data it is backed-up in encrypted state by the company Ukrainian hosting LTD, Turgenevskaya, 59, Kiev, Ukraine. The DEALIST SOLUTIONS services are used by customers on their website. DEALIST SOLUTIONS is not responsible and has no control of the privacy practices of any customers or any third parties.

Additional Terms

DEALIST SOLUTIONS services complies with the Data Protection Act 2018, and GRPR We will not sell or rent your information to third parties. We will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes. We may transfer your personal information to our affiliated company PIVOT LTD for purposes:

  • • To provide support while using the live chat / webchat service(s);
  • • To carry out our obligations arising from any agreements/contracts entered into by you and us;
  • • Send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you.

We also may transfer your personal information to a third party if we’re under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation or to protect the rights, property or safety of our customers. However, anyway, we will take steps with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected. We guarantee that our affiliated company will comply with this policy.

Use and acceptance

By using the DEALIST SOLUTIONS services and any one of the services provided, you agree to this policy. If you do not agree with this policy you must not use any of the services provided by the DEALIST SOLUTIONS solution.

Under 18

Our services are designed for businesses and individuals over 18. We are concerned to protect the privacy of children and minors. If you are aged under 18‚ please get your parent/guardian's permission beforehand whenever you provide us with personal information.

Your Rights with regards to Data Controlling Right to Request Information

(1) Upon your request, we inform you in writing about your data controlled by us and/or processed by the data processor instructed by us, their sources, the purpose, legal basis and term of data controlling, the name and address of the data processor and its activities concerning the data processing – if your personal data are transmitted, the legal basis and recipient of such transmission – without delay, but within 10 days from submission of your corresponding request the latest. (2) This information is provided free of charge. However, if the request is clearly unfounded, or – especially if it is repetitive – exaggerating, considering the administrative costs of providing the requested information or taking the requested measures:

  • • charge a reasonable fee;
  • • deny your request.

The burden of proof that the request is clearly unfounded or exaggerating is on us at all times.

Right to Erasure

(1) We shall delete personal data, if controlling thereof is unlawful; You withdraw your consent forming the basis of data controlling or you request deletion of your data from our database and there is no other legal basis for the controlling of such data; the data are incomplete or wrong – and this condition may not be lawfully remedied – provided that deletion is not prohibited by law. Purpose of the data controlling ceased to exist, or the statutory term of retaining of data has expired; the court or the competent authority ordered deletion of the data. (2) Instead of deletion, we block the personal data, if the data subject requests us to do so, or based on the information available to the data subject, it can be assumed that deletion would infringe your legitimate interests. Personal data blocked this way may only be controlled until the purpose of data controlling precluding deletion of the personal data exists.

Right to Access

(1) You are entitled to receive feedback from us whether controlling of your personal data is in progress, and if this is the case, you are entitled to access to your personal data and the following information:

  • • purpose of data controlling;
  • • data categories of the affected personal data;
  • • recipients your personal data are or will be disclosed to;
  • • the term of retaining data, or if not possible, the factors of establishment of this term;
  • • your right to request correction, deletion or restriction of controlling of your personal data and your right to object against controlling of such personal data;
  • • the right to submit grievances to any supervisory authority;
  • • if you are not the data subject of such data, all available information with regards to their sources.

(2) The copy of the personal data forming the subject of data controlling shall be disclosed to you. For further copies requested by you we charge a reasonable fee, based on the data controller’s administrative costs. If the request was submitted electronically, we disclose the information in a widely used electronic format, except requested otherwise.

Right to Rectification

(1) Upon your request, we correct your personal data without delay. (2) If the true and correct or supplementing data is not available, we base our correction/supplement on your supplementing statement.

Right to Object

(1) You may object against controlling your personal data, if if controlling or transmission of personal data is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations or to protect our or third parties’ legitimate interests only, except where data controlling is mandatory; if your personal data are used or transmitted for directly soliciting business, for opinion-polls or for scientific research; or in any other cases defined by law. (2) We examine your objection and suspend data controlling without delay, but within 10 days from submission of the request the latest, and we inform you about the results in writing. If the objection is justified, we shall cease controlling of your data, including further data collection and data transmission, and block such data. We also shall inform all parties the respective personal data were transmitted to earlier about our measures. These entities shall take measures to grant such rights to objection. If you do not agree with our decision, or, if we fail to fulfil the above obligations within the 15 days deadline, you may submit your redress request to the competent court within 30 days from receipt of the decision or from the last day of the above deadline.

Right to Restriction of Data Controlling

(1) We will restrict data controlling, if one the following circumstances exist: You challenge the accuracy of the personal data; Data controlling is unlawful, and you object to deletion of your data, instead, you request restriction of controlling thereof; We no longer need your personal data for data controlling, but you request those for submission, representation or protection of your legal claims, or You have objected to data controlling (2) Except for storage, if data controlling falls under restrictions, the affected personal data may only be controlled with your consent, for submission, representation or protection of legal claims or to protect the rights of third parties (natural persons or legal entities), or if in the interest of the European Union or any member state.

Right to Data Portability

You shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, if data controlling is based on your consent or a respective agreement, and data controlling is carried out with automated methods. If your request to rectify, restrict or delete your personal data may not be granted, we shall inform you about rejection of your request and its substantive and legal justification in writing within 10 days from receipt thereof. Your rights with regards to Data Controlling may be restricted to safeguard the State’s internal or external security, including purposes of home defense, national security, crime prevention and -prosecution, law enforcement, to protect the economic- or financial interests of the State, to prevent and investigate disciplinary- and ethical offences committed on the job or omission of employment law- and health and safety obligations – always including oversight and supervision -, and to protect your or third party rights.

Legal Redress

If you experience infringement of your rights, you may request remedy from: the competent supervisory authority in the member state; the competent court with jurisdiction over your area of permanent or temporary address. Contact details of supervisory authorities of the individual member states are available here: The Information Commissioner’s Office Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF Telephone: 0303 123 1113 Fax: 01625 524510 Website:


DEALIST SOLUTIONS keep this Policy under regular review and therefore it may alter from time to time so please check this page occasionally to ensure that you’re happy with any changes. By using the DEALIST SOLUTIONS service(s), you’re agreeing to be bound by this Policy.